HRA Medicaid Alert 6-10-2024 - Undocumented Immigrants age 65+ Eligible for Medicaid through Managed Care
2024-06-10 Undocumented Immigrants Age 65 and Older - Mainstream Medicaid Managed care Plan available.pdf
NYC procedures to implement change in state law giving full Medicaid coverage to Undocumented Immigrants Age 65+ - but only through Medicaid managed care plans. See article on this change at http://health.wnylc.com/health/entry/251/ with state directives.
17 Sep, 2024
151 kb
Downloads: 383
NYS DOH Powerpoint on Medicaid Managed Care for Undocumented Non-Citizens Age 65+ (Jan. 2024)
DOH PPT Medicaid Managed Care for Undoc 65+ (Statewide-Senior-Action-Council) 1-30-24.pdf
Powerpoint presented by NYS DOH to Statewide Senior Action Council on Jan. 30, 2024. Webinar recording at https://vimeo.com/907908380. See http://health.wnylc.com/health/entry/251/ about the expansion effective Jan. 1, 2024 that gives nearly full Medicaid coverage to all immigrants age 65+.
06 Feb, 2024
158 kb
Downloads: 819
Samples of notices sent by local Dept. of Social Services and NYState of Health to immigrants age 65+ who are eligible for full medicaid in January 2024. This is an expansion from limited Emergency Medicaid coverage in effect before this change. See more in this article http://health.wnylc.com/health/entry/251/
03 Feb, 2024
3.76 mb
Downloads: 776
NYS Dept. of Health Letter to local Medicaid agencies about Counseling Medicaid Recipients about Public Charge
NYS Dept. of Health 10-18-19 Letter to Local Commr's re Public Charge.pdf
Letter from the NYS Dept. of Health instructing local Medicaid agencies about how to identify recipients who are EXEMPT from the proposed public charge changes, in order to counsel recipients who call to close their Medicaid cases out of fear of jeopardizing their immigration status. Letter also suggests referring callers to the NYS Office for New Americans at 1-800-566-7636
27 Oct, 2019
696 kb
Downloads: 3090
HRA Medicaid Alert Temporary Non-Immigrants 12-15-16
2016-12-15 MA Alert re Temporary Non-Immigrants dated 12-15-16.pdf
17 Jan, 2017
188 kb
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15 Oct, 2010
20 kb
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Emergency Medicaid
Emergency Medicaid in New York State 5 _10 Update_100608121108.pdf
Training materials on how New York implements Medicaid coverage for the treatment of emergency medical conditions for individuals who are not eligible for regular Medicaid because of their immigration status.
08 Jun, 2010
33 kb
Downloads: 39872
Emergency Medicaid in New York State Update 5_10
Emergency Medicaid in New York State 5 _10 Update.pdf
Powerpoint presentation on Emergency Medicaid
21 May, 2010
35 kb
Downloads: 3465
Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Public Health Insurance
TPS and Public Health Insurance Final 3_1_10.pdf
Haitian individuals who have applied for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) may be eligible for public health insurance in New York State.
01 Mar, 2010
51 kb
Downloads: 5085
TPS and Public Health Insurance - French
TPS and assurance maladie publique 3_1_10.pdf
As a result of the earthquake on January 12, 2010 in Haiti, temporary protective status (TPS) has been extended to Haitian immigrants living in the United States. Applicants for TPS considered PRUCOL and may be eligible for public health insurance programs in New York State. This fact sheet is in French.
01 Mar, 2010
58 kb
Downloads: 5673