Model NYS Assisted LIving Program Contract
2010_ ALP Model Contract 2010.doc
(This contract is attachment to NYS Dept of Health GIS 10 OLTC/008, Assisted Living Program (ALP) Model Contract (for use outside of NYC) -- but was not posted publicly online.
12 Feb, 2011
133 kb
Downloads: 7985
Emergency Medicaid
Emergency Medicaid in New York State 5 _10 Update_100608121108.pdf
Training materials on how New York implements Medicaid coverage for the treatment of emergency medical conditions for individuals who are not eligible for regular Medicaid because of their immigration status.
08 Jun, 2010
33 kb
Downloads: 39719
Medicaid Co-payments and Family Health Plus Asset Limit
Memo from August 1, 2005, regarding an increase in Medicaid and Family Health Plus co-payments, the imposition of an asset limit for Family Health Plus, changes in the FHP vision benefit, and the exclusion of government employees.
06 Dec, 2009
15 kb
Downloads: 9085
Information about MUTS - Medicaid Utilization Thresholds in NYS
This fact sheet explains the limits that the NYS Medicaid program sets on the number of certain types of services Medicaid recipients may receive, and the "override" that may be obtained to increase these limits.
29 Sep, 2009
63 kb
Downloads: 13071
Asking Medicaid to Pay for an Air Conditioner
24 Jun, 2009
274 kb
Downloads: 13757
SDOH Updated Transitional Care Policy 5_09
SDOH transitional care policy.pdf
Clarifies the responsibilities of Medicaid and Family Health Plus managed care plans for providing continuity of care for new enrollees who are receiving an ongoing course of treatement upon enrollment.
04 Jun, 2009
139 kb
Downloads: 6882
Medicaid Managed Care
Medicaid Managed Care 6_09.pdf
Overview of how the Medicaid managed care program works. Includes description of mandatory enrollment process; exemptions and exclusions; access to health care services and issues faced by mandatory enrollees.
01 Jun, 2009
103 kb
Downloads: 3543
HRA Instructions for Completing Nurse's Assessment Visit Report Form M-27r
HRA Instructions M27r 2002.pdf
HRA Instructions issued in August 2002 for filling out M-27r form (also posted on this website), issued pursuant to the settlement in Mayer v. Wing that required consideration of the span of time during which need arises for Ambulation, Transfer and Toileting, notwithstanding the pre-printed task time on the M-27r.
18 May, 2009
562 kb
Downloads: 7571
Westchester County Medical Recommendation for Personal Care Services - Form # 1050
1050-Westchester Physicians Order.doc
This is the form that a doctor should complete to request Medicaid personal care services from the Westchester County DSS. Revised November 2007.
15 May, 2009
90 kb
Downloads: 9573