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NYC Medicaid Contacts, Policies & Forms
Medicaid Alerts & Other Protocols published by the NYC HRA Medicaid Program
HRA Medicaid Alerts are periodic announcements of policy, staff and office changes published by the HRA Medicaid Progarm (formerly called the "Medical Insurance and Community Services Administration (MICSA)". The Medicaid Program is the part of New York City’s Human Resource Administration...
Medicaid Contacts in New York City (NYC Human Resources Administration - MICSA)
August 5, 2024 - address for main NYC Medicaid Office - called the Brooklyn South Medicaid office - has been changed to 495 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238. This is around the corner from the previous address on Atlantic Avenue since 2013 see 2024-08-02 Change of address for Brooklyn_South...
Medicaid Renewals/Recertifications in NYC- Medicaid can be DISCONTINUED if RENEWAL not returned - Starting April 2025
This article available as a fact sheet in ENGLISH and SPANISH This article is for people whose Medicaid is administered by the NYC Medicaid program, run by the Human Resources Administration (HRA). If your Medicaid is handled by the New York State of Health � your renewal is not covered...
Applying for Medicaid Personal Care or CDPAP Services in New York City - 2021-2022 Changes
May 16, 2022 Update - The new NY Independent Assessor (NYIA) starts being phased in. See info about that huge change in this article. Starting May 16, 2022 the M11q is no longer required for people applying to HRA for Medicaid home care who are NOT seeking MLTC because they are exempt or excluded...
"Immediate Need" Fast-Track Application for Medicaid and Personal Care or CDPAP - Choices for those with full Medicaid start April 2024
Medicaid has a fast-track procedure to apply for Medicaid in order to obtain home care services, which has been faster than enrolling in a managed long term care plan. Click here to learn about the reasons for MLTC enrollment delays. The 2015 New York law requires approval of Medicaid in only...
CASA Contact List - NYC
The NYC Medicaid Home Care Services Program, which is part of the NYC Human Resources Administration Medical Insurance Community Services Administration (MICSA), also known as the Medicaid program, formerly was responsible for administration in NYC for three types of Medicaid "personal care"...
Medicaid Spend-down: NYC Medicaid Now Accepts FAXED Medical Bills
In May 2009, the NYC Medicaid Program announced a pilot program that allows consumers who must "spend down" to qualify for Medicaid to fax their medical bills each month to the Medicaid Centralized Surplus Unit. See announcement. You can download the official Spend-down fax cover sheet with the...

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