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MLTC Members in Nursing Homes for 3+ Months Being Disenrolled from MLTC Plans - Since August 2020
In this article: Intro - What is the "Carve-out" of Nursing Home care from MLTC? Dashboard of Number of MLTC Members Disenrolled Procedures and Notices to Consumers for Disenrollment starting August 2020 Right to Re-enroll in the MLTC plan within SIX MONTHS after being...
What You Need to Know About Medicaid Coverage for Transition-Related Care
By the Legal Aid Society In New York, coverage is available for hormone therapy (including cross-sex hormones and pubertal suppressants), surgeries, and other procedures. To receive coverage, you have to have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and your doctor’s notification that the treatment you...

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